ProtectUs’ main focus is the provision of high quality accounting, tax, financial, banking, business process and legal services. Recognizing the market gap in the provision of quality services on complex financial, accounting and operational issues, ProtectUs was founded to provide specialized solutions, customized according to each individual client’s needs.Our customized services are provided, following review and analysis of client’s business and requirements, by an experienced team of professionals. Under ProtectUs’ guidance, our clients adopt their accounting systems and tax planning according to the continuous changing economic environment, take advantage of new alternative sources of financing and enhance their financial and operating management.


Providing Integrated Solutions for companies, freelancers and individuals operating in a continuous changing and demanding environment.


  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Creativity
  • Confidentiality
  • Sincerity in communication
  • Quality of provided services (customized solutions)
  • Commitment to efficiency
  • Ensuring customer interests


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